Monday 12 December 2016

Electricity is an Essential Service. The cost should be controlled as such.

How can the Ontario Hydro Crisis be fixed ?

If  Electricity is an Essential Service, or utility like water would it not be better for the Municipal Governments to take control ?

Where salaries are capped at $150k not to exceed the Salary of the Mayor ... ie, Mayor of Ottawa, = $168,102 .....

Or maybe the Federal Government should take control where Salaries would be capped at a Director General Level $150k and never to exceed the Salary of the Prime Minister of Canada at $340,800?

Otherwise we will never get the costs under control with Hydro One Salaries reaching $4 Million. Since these costs are always passed down to the customers. What is the Solution ??? 

Please leave comments below. Maybe there is an answer.


  1. Just turn off your power. Only pay what you use.

  2. Ontario is DOOMED. get out now while you will still get a fair price for your house. Real Estate is ready to CRASH. All thanks to Wynne.
