Sunday, 1 January 2017

Turning off the Power on January 13 2017 6:00 pm-7:00pm

A Protest Message: 

"Hi everyone! So here is what I am going to do on Friday, January 13, 2017. At 6:00pm, after work and just before low peak I am going to shut off all power in my house for one hour. I heat with electricity but the hour shouldn't hurt too much. As for dinner, well...I will work it out, pizza, sandwich...something. Anyway I know protests have been launched before with very little turn out, however, I am not asking anyone of you to join me although it would be nice. In fact we have over 35,000 members in this group. Now think about that. If..and that's a BIG IF everyone in the group turned off their power at the same time as myself...that is 35,000 power hours at high peak that Hydro one and Kathleen Wynne couldn't help but take notice of. More if I can get my friends and family to join me. Again, I am not asking anyone of you to join me, I can't take anymore let downs, but personally I can't sit here and bitch and moan and take it up the tail pipe without doing AT LEAST a little something. Even if I am alone. Hell! I don't even expect 90% of you will even see this post, however you who do, of course are welcome to join me. You don't even have to tell me. It would be completely your choice and it would be your silent protest as well. Why Friday the 13th? Why not?? Apropos don't you think? Even if my protest is seen by only me. I will know. And what's an hour without power? Better than an ice storm they would make us pay for. This way I still have my power and they might still feel it. Or not especially if it is only me. Maybe I will go out for dinner during that hour, or catch a movie, or take my dog for a walk. And I will have the self satisfaction that comes with being a doer, and not just a justified complainer. No matter how small. Hope all will be well in the upcoming new year. Take care of you..together." - Mara 

Additional Note: Please be safe. Turn off what you can ... like you do on Earth Hour.  


  1. Although I understand your intent and reasoning for this, I feel compelled to explain why this is ineffective.
    First of all, let's just imagine millions of people follow suit and power down.
    That means that Hydro One, OPG and whatever other generation companies are involved will have provided the estimated base load power to the system. If it's a cold day, the estimate will be high.
    So, thanks to McGuinty & Wynne, it is law that utility companies recoup ALL losses, including the excess power they have generated that people are not using.
    These companies recoup them via rate increases... approved by the OEB - because it's law.
    So in effect, what you are really doing, is paying for the power you would have used, at a later date when these companies apply for rate increases that also have other losses factored in. So what might save you 14 cents for one hour, will end up costing you and your family several dollars in the next few years.
    Also, on Jan 13 2018, the IESO will look at the power usage for the same day the previous year, they will note a "lesser amount" was required, and instruct all generating stations to produce based on the previous years numbers as well as current weather predictions.
    In essence, all you are doing is adding future charges to future bills that people will become shocked about as their bills have larger than average increases to account for the losses.
    Of note, every household could power down, but it won't really hurt the distribution companies because all the industry, manufacturing, restaurants and hospitals will still be using the power - and in the grand scheme of things - one hour makes no difference dollar wise to them when the others are still using and paying, and the excess will be dumped or sold and money received by them anyway.
    I do not mean this in a negative tone, it's just my years of working in green energy construction and family in OPG administrative positions has taught me this.
    I disagree wholly with the entire scheme, but in all honesty, the only "fix" is for the auditor general to audit the entire file, then shred it and start all over again. Any small fix applied adds up to big bills later.

    1. Very Good points ... the Plan is to do this every few days.... If they lose a Million dollars a week they will go bankrupt.

    2. 5 k OffGrid Solar2 January 2017 at 10:05

      As people learn how to live without power from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm we will all be able to reduce our consumption to less than 10 kWh per day and get by with 10 Solar Panels (280 w) and Deep cycle batteries - less than $10 k and then get rid of Hydro One completely.

    3. I know OEB,OPG try to recoup loses if energy goals are not met but I never heard it was the law that they do that. Can you point me to an article stating that if targets are not met, they by law must charge me more?


    4. Because Hydro One is a private company, the auditor general has no jurisdiction over it. So, we won't see the books anymore. I appreciate and will be in silent protest Jan. 13, 2017 along with Mara and many others are, and encourage others in doing the same.

    5. Only in Canada do the citizens keep getting ripped without any changes. Maybe it's time to take some pointers from the Europeans and take back our Country. All these Facebook rants and Post have zero effect on fat as Wynn and her party. They do not give two hoots about us. We are not pushy enough. Time for a revolution.

  2. I think turning on every possible appliance would have a greater impact especially if it means possibility overloading the grid. Nothing like giving Wynn a big fat shuve it while she sits in darkness.

  3. We have critical Mass .... over 1 Million people have signed on. Good bye Hydro One.

  4. on jan iwill turn off my electrical panel for one hour in protest.liberals have to go.

  5. Shutting down during Peak hours whenever I can. ... Saving a Bundle.
