The Queen of Narnia Ontario is a cunning strategist. She is arrogant and cruel, considering herself above all rules and viewing others as tools to be used or obstacles to be demolished..... She prefers to destroy the entire world rather than submit to the will of the people or the Law of the Land and shows a remorseless pride in her actions.
"As the cold-hearted White Witch of the North, she is a pristine picture of evil, psychopathic and malevolent, possessing an instinctively violent streak and the expressed disregard for the lives of others - during the Battle of Carbon Taxation she declares that no prisoners are to be taken simply since she has no interest in taking any."
Her ultimate goal is the death of anything and everything that may cause the production CO2, including the breath of humans .....
This is not a game and Hydro should not be a Private Sector Monopoly. It is an Essential Service !
Friday, 23 December 2016
Thursday, 15 December 2016
How are Ontario Hydro Costs Determined ?
Mystery Solved:
I have been analyzing Provincial Hydro Bills for several months and I have come to the conclusion that the Ontario Liberal Government simply took a map from the 2014 Provincial Election, and 2015 Federal Election and said ...
"There, all the Blue, and Orange ? They will pay 100 % in Delivery costs and increased Fees to have the electricity travel through wires and into their homes.
And so it was done.
And now those living in the blue and Orange Ridings are suffering terribly.
I have been analyzing Provincial Hydro Bills for several months and I have come to the conclusion that the Ontario Liberal Government simply took a map from the 2014 Provincial Election, and 2015 Federal Election and said ...
"There, all the Blue, and Orange ? They will pay 100 % in Delivery costs and increased Fees to have the electricity travel through wires and into their homes.
And so it was done.
And now those living in the blue and Orange Ridings are suffering terribly.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
How to cook Christmas dinner in Ontario - Without any power.
Merry Christmas from the Great White North !
Monday, 12 December 2016
Electricity is an Essential Service. The cost should be controlled as such.
How can the Ontario Hydro Crisis be fixed ?
If Electricity is an Essential Service, or utility like water would it not be better for the Municipal Governments to take control ?
Where salaries are capped at $150k not to exceed the Salary of the Mayor ... ie, Mayor of Ottawa, = $168,102 .....
Or maybe the Federal Government should take control where Salaries would be capped at a Director General Level $150k and never to exceed the Salary of the Prime Minister of Canada at $340,800?
Otherwise we will never get the costs under control with Hydro One Salaries reaching $4 Million. Since these costs are always passed down to the customers. What is the Solution ???
Please leave comments below. Maybe there is an answer.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
How the Wynnch Stole Christmas ...

Every Who’s Down in Torontoville Liked Christmas a lot...
But the Wynnch, Who lived just north of Queenspark, Did NOT!
The Wynnch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be her head wasn't screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that the trees had too much light.
It could be, perhaps, that the trees had too much light.
But I think that the most likely reason of all,
May have been that her heart was 10 sizes too small.
May have been that her heart was 10 sizes too small.
Whatever the reason, Her heart or her political greed,
She stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Whos and their needs.
Staring down from her tower with a sour, Wynnchy frown,She stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Whos and their needs.
At the warm lighted windows below in their town.
For she knew every Who down in Torontoville beneath,
Was busy now, hanging a mistletoe wreath.
"And they're hanging their stockings!" she snarled with a sneer,
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
Then she growled, with her Wynnch fingers nervously drumming,
"I will take their power away!"
They won't see it coming!
"I will take their power away!"
They won't see it coming!
For Tomorrow, she knew, all the Who girls and boys,
Wouldn’t be able to afford any of their toys!
~ By Michael H & Luna (Lauren) BWouldn’t be able to afford any of their toys!
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Friday, 9 December 2016
Welcome to Wynne's Nightmare before Christmas...
And the air had quite a chill.
Against the moon Kathleen sat,
Alone upon a hill.
She was tall and thin with a Cat bow tie;
Premiere Wynne was her name.
She was tired and bored in Ontarioland,
She was tired and bored in Ontarioland,
Everything was always the same.
"I'm sick of the sharing, the care, the delight.
I'm tired of giving power that lights up the night.
I'm bored with fairness and choices, And my ears hurt from all the complaining voices.
I don't like Christmas, too much happiness and joy.
So much goodness I need to destroy
I know what I'll do she shouted with glee !
I'll raise the cost and every last fee.
And so she plunged the Province into darkness and fright.
Finally she was happy, and wished all a good night.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Christmas Lights on our street thanks to Ontario Hydro
A Photo of our street in the Suburbs of Ottawa. No Christmas lights this year thanks to the soaring cost of Hydro. I am hoping that maybe there will be a few candles in the window for Hannukah. Otherwise it will be a bleak Holiday this year ....
Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah from our Nations Capital.
Ontario Civil Service Executives get 35 % Pay raise before Christmas
"Just in time for Christmas, 8,500 managers, executives and deputy ministers in Ontario’s civil service are getting $125 million in pay hikes ... The payouts — to come over the next four years — average $14,705 each, although individual amounts will vary. "
"That money will arrive in pay packets starting in the next two weeks, with 5-per-cent raises retroactive to April, officials said.
Treasury Board President Liz Sandals will announce the plan Wednesday on behalf of the Liberal government, which has been criticized for not doing enough to help consumers struggling with skyrocketing hydro bills.
Managers and staff ... will get raises of 10 per cent; about 900 executives will qualify for 20-per-cent hikes; and a number of deputy ministers will enjoy up to 35 per cent."
Excerpts from ...
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
90 % of Ontario Holidays are now spent doing Laundry.
People in Ontario can only afford to use their Electricity between 7:00 pm, and 7:00 am on Weekends or Holidays.
Nobody has time to shop on weekends or Holidays because they are all at home doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning the house.
A new survey shows that 90 % of families spend their Holidays at home doing Laundry.
The Liberal Government of Ontario created "Time of Use" Hydro rates so that people would be forced to use power on "Off-peak" times. A form of Forced Conservation. The problem is that so many people are doing this that the Hydro Company is having a difficult time making a profit, or so they say.
To increase Profits for shareholders the Hydro companies simply increased the "Off-peak" rates by 200 % and also added a 100 % Delivery Charge on every Bill.
Some people in Ontario have turned off their power completely and are still being charged $100 per month for Delivery ? For the Delivery of Nothing. Wow, Ontario.
It doesn't get much worse than this....
Oh wait, starting January 1st the Government will also be adding a Carbon Tax on Everything.
Friday, 2 December 2016
We have been able to Reduce our Electricity Consumption to 500 KWhr/mo
So we have been able to reduce our Electricity Consumption to 500 KWhr per month for the past 2 months... (Hydro Ottawa)
Total Monthly Hydro Bill is $106/mo.
How did we do this ? We basically have turned everything off except the fridge and furnace fan when the heat comes on, but for the past 2 months we have turned our furnace off. We do not use Electricity except to wash clothes on weekends and keep the refrigerator running so that we have food and do not die. This is Life in Ontario Canada.
These are 2 graphs that show daily Consumption:
Thursday Oct 06 2016 --- 10 KWhr /day during the week
Sunday Nov 13 2016 --- 10 KWhr/day on a Sunday when we did not do laundry....
Total cost of Electricty / mo = $50 + Service Delivery and Taxes....
Total Monthly Hydro Bill is $106/mo.
How did we do this ? We basically have turned everything off except the fridge and furnace fan when the heat comes on, but for the past 2 months we have turned our furnace off. We do not use Electricity except to wash clothes on weekends and keep the refrigerator running so that we have food and do not die. This is Life in Ontario Canada.
These are 2 graphs that show daily Consumption:
Thursday Oct 06 2016 --- 10 KWhr /day during the week
Sunday Nov 13 2016 --- 10 KWhr/day on a Sunday when we did not do laundry....
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
So, are you ready to play the Game of Hydro Monopoly ?
Welome to Ontario.
First of all ... to play the game of Hydro Monopoly you will need a lot of money. In some places more than $1,200 per month.
No money ? Sorry. The Electric Company rules.
No Utilities, No power, no Life !
Sorry game over. You lose.
Now, let's begin again....
This is not a game. People are freezing to death !
For some reason in Ontario Hydro is a Monopoly and this is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
You cannot set up a system where the only option is to have ever increasing costs to an Essential Service. In Canada were the winters go below 30 degrees celsius how are people expected to live without Electricity ? During the summers were temperatures go above 30 degrees celsius how are people to live without electricity ? They cannot.
In Ontario there are no Options, there are no Choices. If the Government decides to constantly raise rates and "Delivery" Charges the people will no longer be able to live.
This is not a game. People are freezing to death !
For some reason in Ontario Hydro is a Monopoly and this is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
You cannot set up a system where the only option is to have ever increasing costs to an Essential Service. In Canada were the winters go below 30 degrees celsius how are people expected to live without Electricity ? During the summers were temperatures go above 30 degrees celsius how are people to live without electricity ? They cannot.
In Ontario there are no Options, there are no Choices. If the Government decides to constantly raise rates and "Delivery" Charges the people will no longer be able to live.
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